Monday, August 4, 2008

Prayer Without Words

Many times, we expect God to drop something on our heads if He wants us to pay attention. Or maybe, we only look for Him in momentous and violent events - like earthquakes or hurricanes. In fact, God is always present at every instance, even the moments in which we would most like Him to be far away and ignoring us. And when God speaks to us, it is usually not in the howling wind but in the tiny whispering sound, sometimes even in prayers without words, in which the Lord speaks to us in a delicate manner that only silence and stillness can hear. (see 1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a)


bill7tx said...

There's an old Russian saying that describes a very good friend: "One's shirt is not closer to the body than my friend is to me."

That's how God is, all the time. We don't even have to move to touch Him, He's already ... right ... here.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posts, Fr. Mehan.